Tuesday, September 22, 2009

^V^Dark Katz Hunt^V^ Ending 20 October

Just wanted to let everyone know the ^V^Dark Katz Hunt^V^ has started, although not all prizes are out. I won't be covering this hunt because my inventory is a nightmare >.<, but Schnaeppchen has almost completed this hunt with 3 posts (so far) dedicated to the prizes. 189 stores participating! Spreadsheet to slurls found here. Schnap's been hunting for 2 days now, wish her luck and thank her for her incredible tenacity on this one! ^.^
^V^Dark Katz Hunt^V^ starting point - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sinpusher/125/236/22

Dark Katz Hunt
Skin: ^V^DKH^V^ - #072 - [Nikita Fride Designer]
Ears & Tail:
^V^DKH^V^ - #OO1 - [.::NOSOTR@S::. designs *1*]
Hair: ^V^DKH^V^ - #140 - [ Vixen Hair ]
: ^V^DKH^V^ #117 - [=Zenith=]
Shoes: ^V^DKH^V^ - #126 - [ .:: The Reject Shoppe ::. ] 2 of 2
House used for backdrop:
^V^DKH^V^ - #114 - [Azure - Out of the Blue]
Furniture & center pose
: ^V^DKH^V^ - #110 - [***2u Sweet Neko***]
Poses on left and right
from: ^V^DKH^V^ - #031 - [*NLimbo*]

Schnaep's ^V^Dark Katz Hunt^V^ Part 1

Schnaep's ^V^Dark Katz Hunt^V^ Part 2
Schnaep's ^V^Dark Katz Hunt^V^ Part 3
ETA: Schnaep's ^V^Dark Katz Hunt^V^Part 4

There's some amazing gifts as prizes in this hunt, if you know any neko's definitely let them know about this hunt. Thanks to the organizers and vendors, Happy hunting! Thanks to Schnaep for showing the great prizes!

(24 Sept) Schnaep couldn't find a couple and asked me to find them. So here you go...

