Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thibedeau Avatar Crossing Hunt

By participating in this hunt you get a shot at 14 great prizes.

Thibedeau Hunt _ 2

You must wear a hud to participate in this hud. It may be found at El'n. $0 -

Thibedeau Hunt _ 3

Your mission will consist of talking (clicking on) to various ' npc ' s around the sim.

Thibedeau Hunt _ 4

You'll find your first npc ( a small robot ) right next to the location where you purchase the hud. Listen to his instructions, you may have to click more than once.

Thibedeau Hunt _ 5

Each npc will give you instructions leading to the next. So remember to listen. You'll meet an interesting array of characters including: an octipi, girl with scarf, bear, and pigs. Keep an eye out for them.

Thibedeau Hunt _ 6

Once your hud is filled you must return to El'n and touch the npc robot for further instructions.

Thibedeau Hunt _ 7

Hunt ends 1st October. ^.^ Good luck

(non-free item ETD Katterina - Chocolate)

At Astral Blossom you can find a set of special blossom accessories. Fael passed it to me and the note that followed was included in her package. You'll find another gift in store! $0 -

Fael's Flower

Hello, I'm happy to offer you this pink hairflower as a free gift.
The flower has resizer scripts and also allows tuning it's lightness and solidness.
Please pass this gift package on to everyone you want.
Please take a look at my shop to see what else I have for sale

- With Love, Fael
