Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shapes and Skin, Oh My!

Joodle of Wig Wam Bam dropped a package on me. She's started making shapes and has created skins using Eloh's Another Shop Skins as base. You get a shape, 3 skins with choice of eyebrow hues, eyelashes fit to the shape, and eyes for $850 and sold in limited runs of 30 then retired. She's made a special package for $1. You can see that Joodle has changed up a bit with the skins adding new lips, nips, skin tones and added a bare vagina. Try out the $1 package and see what ya think: ($1 - female avatar)

Wig Wam Bam _ Racheal

The shapes are no mod so hopefully demo shapes will be added at some point and an all important second skirt shape.

Wig Wam Bam _ Racheal_Edge Grafica

The dress is from edge grafica and is completely free like all their wears. ($0 m/f clothes)

The hair which would work for a guy too is from Seshil Shop and is completely free. ($0 m/f hair)

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