A bit about the dress
"At Crimson Shadow we have a new Lucky Chair Item calledThanks, Lokum Shilova for providing me with the dress to show everyone.
CS Red Long Lace Dress full with shoes and elegance a superb gown normally sold at 900 Lindens in store created by Moxie Polano exclusive Crimson Shadow. It is now in the store until 21st of July."
The skin I'm wearing in all the photos is from Bazy and I LOVE IT! I'm not sure how long it will be up, so rush if you want it. $1
Tox1c Camel (Thank you) also provided me with the following 3 items available on lucky chairs at Cascade Fashion Mall for the next 3 weeks. You'll find the following dress:
(hair available at Crimson Shadow & skin by Bazy)
The tux and shoes are also *wins*. The sculpty Dirty Boots come in 3 sizes so nice for a girl or guy!
(Skin by Bazy and Hair by Yuzuya-Body-Design)
Two (f) hairs & one pack of eyes are available at Yuzuya-Body-Design store. You can also find a free tree, free tiny robot, free pet set (neginy set), free shoulder pet, free smiling face head replacement attachment and $1 yellow tube top at the several vendors located inside Yuzuya-Body-Design store.
And here is the rest of it.