Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More New Releases

Inga Wind Clothing Store: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Pitreavie/182/200/40
Inga Wind Blog: http://ingawindclothing.wordpress.com/

*IW* Forest Nymph (includes: shoes, jewelry, wings, and 2 hairstyles)

## CI ## Store: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Zithium/151/207/32

## CI ## Forest Nymph AO (23 anims in the ao, 2 wearable props each with its own anim and a rezzable mushroom. So a total of 26 copy mod anims and 3 props included in the ao)

** Skin used from Dulce Secrets ( Dulce Secrets has been remodeled & to celebrate for the next a 48 hour there is a sale. 10 items are marked down to $10L each. There's 1 fat pack of eyes, 3 dresses and 6 skins.)

Pictures taken on the Moonsong sim.

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