Friday, August 21, 2009

Gorean Hunt ending soon!

The Gorean hunt ends in just a couple of days. I found all these items last night so.... If you haven't started you still have a couple of days. The numbers shown on each photo correspond with the folder item once purchased.
Gorean hunt blog-

Gorean Hunt 1-15

Gorean Hunt 16-33

Starting location is -

Gorean Hunt 34-52

Gorean Hunt 53-68

Yes, you can upload the grided hunt pictures to sl for use in packing hunt items. If you don't know how to use gridded pics to texture boxes Crystal Gadgets offers a script and tutorial for their Free Texture Optimizer system. -

Gorean Hunt 69-84

Gorean Hunt 85-86

HAIR: =TEKUTEKU=Freebie Hair 2009 - $1 -
Tekuteku blog

SKIN: .::Mother Goose's:: mary skin-1L$ - $1 -

Hey, why didn't you take pics of all the hunt items?!?!?!? lulz, go check out Miss Susa's blog - I stopped once someone pointed this blog out to me. So go check it out for the rest of the hunt items!

She's also done the Love Bird's Couple Hunt. Please check out her post!