Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More Semi's Comming Your Way

I will be infrequently blogging, due to relocating until 1 August 2009.

SL Discovery Gridwide Hunt - 1 May - 30 June
blog: www.sldiscovery.com
starting point: Newport Keys Downtown Shopping - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Newport%20Keys/113/142/24

**this hunt is kid friendly** 500 vendors participating in this one. Previews on blog from this and other hunts. You'll have to scroll back through the entries as not all post about SLD hunt are tagged with the SLD Hunt keywords.


(Lunacy, Maryjane's Boutique, Jinx'd Voodoo, Cattivo, Nushru, Street Dermatology, Cosmo Chic, Designs by Alestra Vollmar, Splendilicious Skins -
non hunt item ----- TODAY ONLY 9 June 2009 - $100 hair sale at ::69:: - http://slurl.com/secondlife/MIYABI/31/237/502)


Fun in the Sun Hunt - ???? No information on the duration of this hunt.
(not a lot of information on this hunt) Official note card in it's entirety:
"Feel free to start at any of these locations and good luck! There are 250 stores in all. :D"
Start locations:
#1 - Wistful Pathways - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Best/170/213/22
#75 - Lantian Village -> Medieval Them - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Black%20Lion/114/124/2
#125 - NEXX NEKO PLAYGROUND - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tintafel/120/210/700
#225 - ANGELZ HIGH & BTM CLUB -http://slurl.com/secondlife/Angelz%20High/45/207/26

This hunt has gotten really mixed reviews. At least one vendor decided to leave the hunt, so having a list of all the vendors handy is helpful if you get stuck. If you plan on doing this hunt please take a look at the Hunt Location Blog entry on this hunt. You'll be looking for beach balls and not all the folders are numbered correctly.


(Splendilicious, .::NOSOTR@S::. , Sinuous Shapes, (Nushru), Cosmo Chic, Deviant Designs --- non hunt item ----- TODAY ONLY 9 June 2009 - $100 hair sale at ::69:: - http://slurl.com/secondlife/MIYABI/31/237/502)


Vendor Support Month - $10/50 prize $500 total - 1 June - ???? 30 June
blog: http://vendorsupportmonth.blogspot.com/

Not so much of a hunt, but worth mentioning. Each vendor will display a box showcasing an item that is specially priced for $10. There are 50 vendors so a total of $500 if you buy everything. All items are clearled photographed on the official blog.

Vendor Support

(Sn@tch & Retox)


Through the Looking Glass Hunt - 25 May - 4 July
starting point: Anadem Fashions Main Store - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Cybertopia%20Pointe/226/17/24
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ihunt-uhunt/

Through The Looking Glass

(SavoirFaireShapes, Nefertiti Nefarious, (Nushru), Color Me Chaos)


Both locations of ElaCor have a gift box (touch) you'll get the skin, eyes, & dress below. You can wear the dress without the glowy attachments or with them. ^.6 I died a little when I saw the skin- the lips are great, but she only makes her skins in tans. /me weeps
location 1- You'll find the gift box near the lucky boards at this location - http://slurl.com/secondlife/PIAZZA%20ITALIA/20/192/2
location 2 - http://slurl.com/secondlife/BlueDreams%20Islands%20001/96/192/2

ElaCor Gift
(Hair from the 9 June 2009 50% off 69 hair sale)

Ok, ok, all of these are from several different hunts, but you may get them all in one store! Thanks Cilia for the care package from your store Cilian'gel. Prizes are from: Through the Looking Glass Hunt, Bedtime Stories Hunt, GL OMG!!!! IT'S ANOTHER Hunt, & FUN IN THE SUN Hunt. (Hunt Prizes - M & F - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Valefar/42/188/292)


(Shown with skin from the ElaCor gift package & eyes from Poetic Eyes $0 - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Strata/80/195/903)



Zif's Creations has a new freebie dress out. Fat packs of dresses are $100, single dresses $25, casual outfits $15. Great for youself or as gifts. The midnight madness board only needs 10 people to slap it for everyone to receive the prize too! ($25 & midnight madness dress - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coco%20Beach%20Kelina/153/148/21)

Zif's Creations Dresses

Hair from Bewitched & House of Heart which is having a seret sale at the moment! Read how it works here. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Escape/69/99/23

Ok... one more mini post.....