Saturday, March 21, 2009

Just Heal

The following is a message from Manya and photos from the message sent to the Primalot group: ($0 - F - jewelry -

Dear subscribers,

some weeks ago my aunt was diagnosed with liver cancer. Today we got the information, that this is only the result of a metastasizing pankreas head tumor. She will now get chemotherapy, but it doesn't look very promising.

I usually don't believe in "positive thinking" as a nearly religious way to see the world and the own power to get everything, if you only visualize hard enough. But I DO believe in the power of positive thoughts and wishes and the magic of quantum theory.
And so I ask you for exactly that, a positive wish or thought for my aunt, who you don't know. Maybe we can influence the probabilities.

We placed a silver rose in our shop.


If you stand near the rose and just say


you will get a white pearl set of my 'Tahitian princess jewelry' with my deepest thanks for your thoughts.


Thanks for your attention,
Manya McMahon

And here's a photo of what the items look like on:


Shown with hair & skin from Laqroki. ($0 - F - hair/skin - -


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