6 camping for products pads- ranging in time from 20 minitutes to 3 hours
Trash (220,248,22) -pins & a free tibet tshirt
Plants (229, 249,22)- short set and purse
AFK Tool (236, 245,22) - two free afk tools
Studio601- 2 dresses
Redlic (337,220,32) - male (unisex) hair
*TVT* (243, 221, 42)- female hair & pumps
Hiroko Spyker's booth (219,246,52)- $1 female short set
Next door to the Mall you'll find a sex club (just warning ya -Hull Hynes 187/173/21 ) with vending boxes set up outside. Here you can pick up a the free (female) skin I used along with a bottle of water.
Parallel Love - (Japan Beginners Land 232/114/22)
Along with the hat and earring/bracelet set the May gift has been placed. There is also a discount section with $20 non-transferable wears m&f. . And here is the rest of it.
(All shoes pictured are from TVT - all prices are $0 unless noted otherwise.)