Saturday, March 1, 2008

Brains... Freebies... No, Brains

I think Ivey of Sn@tch brought up some very valid points on her blog concerning freebies. Mainly "A Freebie is not an entitlement". I've noticed lately a lot of people feel like they are owed things for nothing. I'm sorry to break it to you kids (and old folks), but no one owes you anything. And when you do receive something for nothing you should NOT complain about it. You should say thank you if you take it and leave it at that. If you miss the freebie put out and you don't have money at the time, but really want to try something out from that particular designer then politely ask staff or owner if they happen to be standing there about their freebie policy. Most owners are exceptionally nice and are more than willing to share information if they have something planned. Please don't IM or hound anyone. But, whatever you do dammit treat people as you would want to be treated.

Sn@tch Zombie
(Clothes & Hat by Sn@tch, Skin & Hair by Crimson & Clover, Boots by ElecTRo Kitty -no freebs)

Originally I started writing this blog after a friend took me to a sex den (Merry Christmas) and I saw a bunch of default avatars getting it on (omgz - the awful faces). I was so horrified by the ordeal and that people would do all of this in default avatars that I thought I'd write about where to find stuff to help people un-newb their avatars. I mean obviously they didn't know that not only could you have sex for free in sl, but you also can not look like a monkey lady in brick hair for free. So here I am still writing about freebies.....

I've sort of changed things a bit. When I first started writing I'd write about places (like Sarah Nerd's, Freebie Jeebies, Free Dove, and Gnubie Store) and try to cover a plan of attack to quickly and as painlessly as possible update your look. I've sort of moved on from that and now take pictures of outfits and attempt to tell one how to achieve the look. My favorite thing to write about is treasure hunts (by the way there is a hunt going on at Lua's Garden for plants Today ONLY) and/or make list of freebies on about freebies available on a sim or at holiday times.

I generally do not write about group freebies. I figure there are other blogs that do that (so why I would need to do it to is beyond me). I'm sort of on the fence about the whole group gift. I feel like the designer will put out the word via their blog or tell group members (Callie Cline has told everyone to pass on the word about her freebies she will be offering to the group all next week in honor of friendship week) it's okay to let people know about specials. I have my favorites groups and sometimes I have to bump them because I don't have enough slots. It sucks to 'miss out', but I'll live and so will anyone else. [I'm not knocking anyone for blogging about group freebies - this is just the reasoning behind why I don't blog about them. Please stop sending me angry IM-s and messages about this subject because it doesn't make me want to blog about them. It just makes me mute you.]

I've made a lot of friends meeting people on help island and finding out what they like and helping them set up their avatars for free or almost free. I think freebies are a good thing for the 'community'. I know a lot of people who really would not be able to afford to buy things and probably would leave after a while out of boredom and not being able to 'fit in'. I know even though it is not often expressed -- We appreciate designers who offer freebies. They afford anyone the opportunity to acclimate into Second Life. As a consequence providing us all a great service by helping enrich the community not only with their works but also with the people who enjoy them.

Thank you.