Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh, nos! I got tagged

The ever so mischievous and talented Creamy Cooljoke tagged me. So here it goes:

Here's the rules:

1. Post (on your own blog) 8 random facts about yourself.

2. Tag 8 more people to post, so post their names at the end of your blog post!

3. Be sure to leave a comment in your taggee's blogs so they know they're tagged!!

4. Be sure to post these rules in your own post so your victims know what to do!!


1. I'm a picky eater. lol, I only eat pixels derived from invertebrates.

2. I am an aimless wanderer. I tend to bring up the map scroll out and pick a place to descend upon or search for interesting names via search.

3. I spend most of my time alone.

4. I'm extremely shy and if I'm talking to you it's either because you started a conversation with me, you're new and I'm giving you something that I think may help, or I'm off my meds. (Just joking about the last. ;))) Oh and if you try to flirt with me chances are I will run away or imitate an ostrich.

5. I do a little bit of modeling and photography. A self portrait I had submitted to the Last Call model search was picked to be in the Avatars of Second Life pdf; although losing the Last Call model search. I was among a group of lovely souls who competed to be the Second Mirage Jewel and actually was named a Jewel. Woot!

6. I loathe paying for no transfer clothing or shoes. I don't like to pay (and in most cases will not pay!) for something that I have limited right usage to (oh, I could really bore you on the merits of buying a cd over mp3s, but I shall spare you!).

7. I'm anal retentive at organizing my inventory. Each and every solitary item is filed away at the end of the day or beginning of the next day before I can play. I also label each folder with a NT or $how much I paid for the item after it's name. Yes, every single item! I've done this since day one that's how I can smell con artist. o.O Subfolders and lists make me moist! (ok, so I cheated with letting loose with my favorite word. Moist, moist, moist!)

8. I think I'm the only person who felt like they were hit in the chest with a sledgehammer when they checked out the new Tableau build. It was definitely the plane wreckage that almost pushed me over the edge. Breathtaking beautiful build (love the cemetery), but just like in rl I'm not ready to go home and think I'll avoid the sim until the next rebuild.

So, there you have it. 8 things all about moi! And since I don't know 8 People I'll just tag a couple people I do know blog: Natalia Zelmanov, Sarah Nerd, and Analise.