Along with all the free ($0L) items there are information hubs that offer helpful tips and information for newer citizens. You can also find some great deals like the box of full-permission suits for men for a mere $10L, a business suit and briefcase for $1L, silks for $5L, prim shoes for $1L or the numerous boxes of ladies clothes for $1L that line the walls.
This place has tons of stuff: textures, hair, avatars, eyes, clothes, flexi-dresses, shoes, purses, hats, costumes, buildings, furniture, gadgets, guns, art, and a few that I am sure that I have overlooked.
P.S. Those of you with male avatars might be interested to know that when I was trying to find out who runs the freebie warehouse I looked up " Lag Designs " since it appears in the description of the land location. Upon entering the store I spotted 6 hairs that are being discontinued from the store and are all up for $0L purchase. ;) At one point I knew who ran the dungeon and had sent in a box of freebies, but now I can't figure out who it is. Does anyone have a clue? edit: Duh... It just occurred to me to see who created all the prims in the dungeon. I *believe* Justin Barragar is who everyone owes a thanks to for the Freebie Dungeon.