Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Freebie Dungeon

The Freebie Dungeon is one of those places that is a little overwhelming to new citizens in second life, but I highly encourage you to take the leap and look around this place. Not only are their 100s of free things, there are also some great deals!!!!

Freebie Dungeon

Along with all the free ($0L) items there are information hubs that offer helpful tips and information for newer citizens. You can also find some great deals like the box of full-permission suits for men for a mere $10L, a business suit and briefcase for $1L, silks for $5L, prim shoes for $1L or the numerous boxes of ladies clothes for $1L that line the walls.

Freebie Dungeon_2

This place has tons of stuff: textures, hair, avatars, eyes, clothes, flexi-dresses, shoes, purses, hats, costumes, buildings, furniture, gadgets, guns, art, and a few that I am sure that I have overlooked.

P.S. Those of you with male avatars might be interested to know that when I was trying to find out who runs the freebie warehouse I looked up " Lag Designs " since it appears in the description of the land location. Upon entering the store I spotted 6 hairs that are being discontinued from the store and are all up for $0L purchase. ;) At one point I knew who ran the dungeon and had sent in a box of freebies, but now I can't figure out who it is. Does anyone have a clue? edit: Duh... It just occurred to me to see who created all the prims in the dungeon. I *believe* Justin Barragar is who everyone owes a thanks to for the Freebie Dungeon.