Thursday, December 7, 2006

Contact/ Review Policy / About

Updated 25 January 2011


Please send comments, suggestions, questions, or tips to: Anna Zwiers via NOTECARD.
If you'd like a link back please send me a notecard including your url & which sidebar section you'd like to be linked under.

*All note cards are auto-accepted to avoid "capping". If I do not answer I am afk and will look at your note card and items asap.

Thank You


I do not request items from designer/creators, however I do gladly ^_^ accept review items. I also do not belong to any ~special~ blogger/preview groups. I will not & do not accept donations/store credit or charge to feature items. I also reserve the right not to feature items. (If your item will not be featured you will be notified as to the reason.) I prefer to not review or critique items at this time and merely feature items. If you have sent an item and it was not featured and you did not receive a note card saying it would not be featured it was not shown because I did not receive the item (I probably capped/crashed); please feel free to send the item again & im me saying you sent an item & request notification that the item was received.

If you choose to send copies of items you have made. Please send them in a FOLDER (boxed items go into the black pit known as the objects folder) labeled as following:

**FREEBIE - store name
**LUCKY - store name
**MM - target # - store name
**SALE - dates - store name
**NEW RELEASES - store name

If you are sending a folder which contains a variety of the above items, please include a NOTE CARD and please label as following:

**REVIEW - store name

Please include or send separately a NOTECARD with as much information about your item and store as possible. Things that readers have indicated an interest in knowing are: Store name, creator name (or certified affiliate information), store website, branch slurls, price of items, & permissions of items. If the item you are sending is on sale readers have indicated that they would like to know how long the item will be on sale. Feel free to include any additional information.

Please be aware that I am the sole contributor & I do attend school, have work, & a sometimes hectic life that does limit the time I have for this blog. I do the bulk of my posts on weekdays. If there is a sale or special event planned for the weekend please send the information in advance so that a postdated entry will appear featuring your items.

***During the holidays I do travel so items may be better suited for other bloggers.

Again, thank you very much. ^_^



This blog is written solely by Ann Weston, the person behind the avatar Anna Zwiers. It is in no way affiliated with any real life Anna Zwiers. All items are available in the free to join online community of Second Life®. From 2006-2009 the focus of this blog was entirely freebies ($0-1, hunt, lucky chair/board, midnight mania) cheap or sale items available in SL. In 2010 I chose to stop blogging at a number of other SL related blogs and focus all of my attention on

The primary focus of this blog will still be on free, cheap, & sales items. But now, I've expanded to also cover new release items sent to me, sight seeing, & infrequent personal style entries (home & fashion, featuring predominantly paid for items).

There are still a couple of things you will not find on this blog: group gifts and cheats for hunts. I do not feature group gifts unless: the item is displayed in the store in view of all, contacted by the owner of the group/store and given permission to publicly disclose group gifts, or if the owner encourages public disclosure by displaying the gift on the store's blog. I've chosen to avoid the conundrum of guessing a store owner's intentions with group gifting and judge them as a reward for loyal members. As far as publishing cheats, I don't do it because I don't have the time.

Each entry is clearly labeled below the title to assist with clarity of subject for each entry. I will remove any comment which is not related to the blog content or advertisement for another blog/site.

In closing, I'd like to express my gratitude for the years of loyal readership, assistance with providing many of the items featured here, kind words, encouragement, friendship, and the bounty of gifts given by many talented and generous creators. I hope that you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy making it for you.



Second Life® and Linden Lab® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. All rights reserved. No infringement is intended.