Thursday, February 26, 2009

Break'n Owt

Time to check out Life is Good sim. (

At Little Birds location in PollyJean you can find a cute pants outfit for free and if you're up for it a lingerie set for $1. ($0-1 - F - Pant set/Lingerie -


Concrete Flowers is providing a $1 item for free each week. This week it's the CUTY PANDA DOODLE BOOTS. Stop by to before Monday to pick these up! ($1 - F - Shoe -

Jewelry is from KUMAMOTO JAPAN. ($0 - F - Jewelry -

HOH Feb 13
(Skin & eyes from Imagen -

Hair shown throughout is the House of Heart Designs Febuary 13th release samples. You'll want to pay special attention to the green displays in store for extra saving on retiring styles. ($0 - F - hair samples -

Illuminati Skins

Skin is from Illuminati Designs and is a combination of skins won from their lucky chair (top row is the lucky chair prize - Wynter) and a couple from their free bag (bottom row). Drag your guys along because there is skin for men here both in the lucky chair and in the free gift bag. ($0 - m/f - skins -

If you like the poses used today stop by Juicy to buy them up. Most are not free, but there are several $1 poses and sample bags! ($1 - $300/pack - poses -


Part of everyone's daily ritual by now should be stopping by Lemania Indigo Designs to see what dress is retiring. If you haven't you may have been missing out! ($1 - F - dress/outfits -

(Pictured from left to right: Silver Dream retired 25th, Caramel Latte retired 26th, & today's dress Holiday Reflection all shown with free shoes from Kumamato Japan)

The eyes used throughout are the demo pack of eyes from Skinthesis. ($1/0? - Eyes -

If you haven't been by the Kumamato Japan sims in a while you may want to stop by and take a look. Dogyanya2 has added a ton of new lucky boards and has 3 camp pads ranging in time from 10 minutes to 30 minutes! Prizes are dresses, stoles, & shoes. ($0 camp/luckyboard - F - clothing items - A small store next door named **Chako** has 5 mini-dresses all for free. ($0 - F - dresses - There's also a kimono shop :::Morhime:: with lucky boards and camp spots for kimonos and kanzashi that was featured some time in November. ($0-$10 - F - kimono/kanzashi - There's also a couple of goodies that are still left from Valentine's Day like the dress located on the board outside ::Cafe Bouquet:: that shares space with Dogyanya2. And lets not forget the Kumamoto Japan free area that has 3 lucky boards, kimonos, tinie avs, huggable bears, jewelry, tons of sculpty shoes and boots! ($0 - F/M/tinies -


Trinity gave me a bump ^^ and made me take a look at *Amrita* which I hadn't visited since it's opening & if you're like me you'll find a new free item upstairs a muffler in a variety of styles and two cool colors (pale pink & green). Shown with dress & shoes from Kumamoto Japan. ($0 - F - clothes & acessories -


I also have a couple of lucky chair items to share! The first is from *Sugar* mainstore that Suri tped me too (Ty Suri ^^!!). The outfit (Juliet) came complete with glasses and boots. (Lucky Chair - F - outfit -


And to balance out the bad girl outfit. The Rabbit Police RED won from the lucky chair at Umi Usagi. These chairs flip fast and give a lot of ? so. You'll find this outfit along with a pair of boots and also a complete outfit with boots included on the lucky chairs at the main Umi Usagi location. (Lucky Chair - F- Outfits & shoes -


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Le Danse De Mardi Gras

In town the streets have been cleared from the Lundi Gras festivities that ran late into the wee morning hours. A new stage has been erected in the town square. Cans have been picked up by those who need a little extra cash to make ends meet. The day is fresh. The band strikes up melodies and sings in their dying language. People gather; they dance, they talk, they drink, walk the streets, and wait.

le danse_1
(Lilly Skin from Warholic Vampire Shop $1 - F - 13 Skins -; Outfut broceliande from Dany French touch peut etre $1 - M - outfit -; Balmoral Pumps from Truth $0 - F - shoes -

The young riders have not slept and the old will get up earlier than usual. The air has just a whisper of cold. The chill keeps those who have been awake up for the ride and work ahead. Today, chickens awake with fear in their little hearts all around Cajunland. They know the riders are coming. They are coming for the chickens, rice, flour, oil, onions, bell peppers, & green onions. Have their bounty and they'll stop their procession at your homestead and the band will play for you Le Danse De Mardi Gras.

le danse_2
(Newbie skin from Fleur $0 - F - Skin -; The special non-hunt Josephine Baker dress released as a $1 today only exclusive is from Lemania Indigo $1- F - dress -;

Floats, beads, cups, and dubloons are non-existent here. Wooden carts drawn by horse are for the band, retired riders, and women who watch. Things are as they were in the past. You ride, then you go to your section of town and make the gumbo for your section of town. Life is segregated here; still today.

le danse_3
(Clergy outfits can be obtained from Calleta's Hobo Railroad Docks $0 - m/f - clergy outfits -

If you venture into the cities the festivities are much different and probably more of what one who hears Mardi Gras thinks of. But, no matter where you awake you'll go to church and be marked by ashes. You'll bear your mark until sundown. And then begins a time of repentance and fasting and wait for the Easter vigil.

Used in the above:
Hair is from the abundent $1 wall at ChiChickie!'s hairspray location. There was also a style for men available. ($1 - M/F - hair -

Location are the New Toulouse & New Toulouse Algiers sim. Preset used is ghost.


Selena Heslop of Sasquatch Design had sent me a big package to share with you guys full of amazing staples and a lot of it would be really nice for the Male avatar too. Here are some items and snippits from her notecard:

I have a few new freebies and dollarbies out for everyone to enjoy
these include ---->

A cute Rainbow Bracelet (dollarbie)
A set of full perms peircings, two nose and two lip. (dollarbie)
Rainbow collar and matching earrings (freebie)
Flip Flops (dollarbie)
Sasquatch Tank Top (dollarbie)

(the freebies and Dollarbies are available indefinatly)

Sasquatch Designs

These are shown with more of the Warholic's Lilly skins and the valentine hair that is still available at Candy House. ($0 - F - Hair -

The shirts shown in the above picture are $5. Selena said "Also i have a couple of 5L tees available, they are on the back wall amongst the normal priced tees, you just need to "right click - buy" to find the 5L ones. " If you've got 27 minutes to camp you can win a fat pack of tanks (ad photo provided by Selena).

Sasquatch Designs tank Ad

Selena also has a lucky chair which rotates through 6 prizes. And has provided the following information "My prices range from free - 200L with most of the items i make going for under 100L. Thank you so much for checking out my stuff!" So go and check out Sasquatch Design ($0-5 - m/f - piercings, shirts, flip flops -

Monday, February 23, 2009

Daily Dose & Hunts

The offering for today (23rd) from Lemania Indigo Designs is a chic' pants outfit: Urban Mod. ($1 - F- outfit -

Lemania Indigo Designs Feb 23

The earrings peaking through my hair are just one of many $1 samples from Chloe. ($1 - F - Jewelry -

Hair from Adora found is a Valentine's present so I'm unsure of how much longer this will be available. ($0/1? - F - Hair -

There is a hunt going on at the Oak Tree Shoppes. You'll be searching for Mardi Gras masks and you have until the 27th to complete the hunt. There are lots of home decor items, but also a killer period dress from Vintage Clothing Reproductions by Skye Qi along with a shirt and vest meant for kids (I stretched it.). ($0 - ?# - home & clothing items -

Mardi Gras Hunt _ Oak Tree Shops

I've written about both skins shown in this post before, but both are worth mentioing again. The 'adult' skin is from RockBerry's lucky board. (Lucky Board - F - Skin -

The 'child' skin is from Utsuku City (a camping sim). The skin comes with a shape. You'll have to join the Utsuku City Members group and sit for 10 minutes in the chair with the "Ami" flag. (10 min. camp - F - skin -

You'll notice that 3 of the shops in Oak Tree Shopping area are also participating in the Kid's Grid Wide Hunt. You may want to pick up these too, the bear from Vintage Clothing Reproduction contains both a child's and adult's dress in it. ($0 - children's items -

Kid's Gridwide Hunt _ Oak Tree Shops

Pictures taken at the Oak Tree Shopping area. Preset used [TOR] das fog.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Day Deal & More

If you haven't heard Lemania Indigo is retiring a bunch (about 150!) former hunt prize dresses. And before these dresses are permanently gone they are offered up for $1 one per day before their deletion. Today (22nd) the Ginger Rogers will have it's day in the spotlight. ($1 - f - dress -

Lemania Indigo 1

The mask shown with the above dress is one of 11 prizes that may be found in the Crimson Shadow hunt. You'll find goodies to accessorize for both male, female, & neko avatars. ($0 - m/f - 11 prizes -

There are still a couple more days to the Greatest Love hunt (ending 28, Febuary). Lemania's prize contained two dresses! ($0 - f - hunt prize dresses -

Lemania Indigo 2

If you stop by Sweet Alice you'll find a $1 skin amongst her other skins. So stop by and scroll over for this cute surprise! ($1 - F - skin -

Lemania Indigo 2 part 2

One last dress from Lemania Indigo before I go. This one is a group gift that she wants to share with everyone! The Party Girl Barbie gift will be available until Saturday so sign up! ($0 - F - group gift dress - SL Divine Divas )

Lemania Indigo 3

All hair shown is from Elv'an Majika a cute shop that was featured on Freebie Telegraph blog. Nothing in the store is over $5 so definetly a must see. ($0-3 - F - Hair -

Location: Nishi AZABU (

Frou Frou Shi Shi

For all the lovely girls and boys that like a touch of glam there is Piazza Italia one of the plethora of haute-couture glam oriented sims. You'll find that it adjoins The Best of Italian sim which does also showcase an exquisite array of finer end designer duds. If you're looking for attention to detail and to stand out you'll want to visit these sims. While I'll focus on the newer Piazza Italia sim, if you haven't been to this corner of the grid you'll definetly want to spend some time in Best of Italian.
Two items I picked up in Best of Italian are this killer dress by touching the subscriber to be informed of all upcoming events here:

Best of Italian

I also bought the $1 skin gift at Beauty Avatar to use in all photos. There is also a gift for males available at this location. These are both older samples, that you may or may not already have. ($1 - f - skin -

The Piazza Italia sim houses a mere 12 stores. Not all offer samples of their work, but those that do are well worth checking out. First up I'd like to mention ** ElaCor ** by EMANUELA Gaffer that is having a blowout sale at the moment. Skins & eyes are $100-$50, sale dresses, outfits, and accessories $50-$30, and the lucky board is packed and changes about every 5 minutes. You'll find several $1 shirts and $10 items on the right wall after entering. ($10 & lucky board -F - outfits & shoes -

Piazza Italia 1
(Larger here)

Next door at Libellula burt Creation ELEGANZA you'll find two $1 items. A dress and (unisex) tank. ($1 -M/F -

Piazza Italia 2

At Alpestyle I picked up this bargain dress for $1. ($1 - F - dress -

Piazza Italia 3

Stroll over to GOLD IN THE NIGTH fashion Elisea Carter where you'll find a pants outfit & sexy short set. ($1 - F - pants/shorts outfits -

Piazza Italia 4

At Petal Meg you'll find a free jewelry set on the counter along with two lucky chairs at the back of the store. Stop by for your chance to win sl equivelant creations of Meg's rl pressed flower jewelry. ($0 - F - Jewelry -

Piazza Italia 6

:: Alatiel Fashions :: was closed at the time of my visit. But, you may find their Febuary gift dress for $1 at this location as well as many others. ($1 - F - dress - Piazza Italia sim )

Piazza Italia 5

At **DD Style** you'll find boots (shown with best of Italian subscription sign up gift), bangles, & gift for $1 on the counter. And behind the counter you'll find choker, dress, & shoes for $10 each. ($1-10 - F - clothes, shoes, acessories -

Location: Best of Italian & Piazza Italia sims

Poses: Standing poses are all from IZUMIYA upstairs freebie section. ($0 - m/f - poses -

Hair: Woops, not free from Analog Dog, however there are many styles that are $1 located here. ($350 - F - Hair (Tune) ($1 alternate hair styles -

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Time to Fly to Journey Hunt!

I've been gone so long that I was able to get my hair intricately braided by the good folks at Discord Designs for a mere $1. I'm sure you'll find a color to match your preferred hair choice in the braids section of the store. Also don't forget to walk to the back of this store and check out the clearance section which has some incredible deals. ($1 - hair - m/f -

And lucky, lucky me Barbarella Barbasz sent me the sophisticated yet sexy shape shown throughout, but don't forget to pick this one up before it goes goodbye on the 26th! Ty for sending this to share. ^^ (Group gift -f - shape - BASZ - can take: Shape Cathy until 26/02 & swing by the store for lucky chairs! -

And now on to all the great goodies from the merchants of Journey sim Tuli's mainstore location! This will last until the 27th!

Journey Hunt 1
(Skin, jacket, & shoes by Tuli, Jewelry by Violet Voltaire, Pants by [NOP])

You'll be searching for little treasure chest. There are signs around the sim displaying the hunt item. If you'd like a preview of what you're hunting for check out Tuli's blog.

Journey Hunt 2
(Skin, jacket, & shoes by Tuli, Jewelry by Dark Mouse, Pants by [NOP])

Photos were taken using the [Tor] Pink Sink preset.

Journey Hunt 3
(Skin: Tuli, Dress: amerie's NAUGHTY, Jewelry: CoLLisions, Shoes: Jimmy Chau)

Don't leave your guy out in the cold! There's a prize here for him too from [NOP].

Journey Hunt 4
(Earrings: G Fields & Skin by Tuli)

All photos were taken at the Fotoscope sim. There are a lot more scenes than shown here. So go and check it out. (

Journey Hunt 5
(Shoes & skin: Tuli, Dress: Fine Pixels, & Jewelry: Flirt)

I couldn't resist dipping into the champagne glass with the lingerie from Attitudes accompanied by shoes from Tuli & Jewelry from DelEmma Design.

Journey Hunt 6

*Time to go hunting!*